A: Thick grapefruit rinds can be slow to decompose. However, they will decompose and can be included in your compost pile. Speed up the process by cutting the rinds into smaller pieces and making sure they are incorporated into the mix. Also, do not leave grapefruit bowls (rinds of halved grapefruits) sitting on top of your pile. These will hold water and possibly breed mosquitoes as well as being very slow to decompose.
Q: I have just divided my daylilies and have numerous clumps that I hate to throw away or put on the compost pile. Do you know anyone who would want them?
A: Contact local 4-H clubs or garden clubs. The members may want them for their own gardens or for landscaping projects. Some clubs may be planting traffic islands, community centers or parks and could use more plants, especially something as beautiful and versatile as daylilies. Your county Cooperative Extension office may be able put you in touch with one or more of these clubs and offer other ideas as well.
Contact local schools; they may be starting a garden and would appreciate them. Churches are another option. If you are a subscriber to the Farmers and Consumers Market Bulletin, you can place a free ad announcing that you have daylilies to share.
Q: Can I put peanut hulls in my compost pile or use them as mulch?
A: As long as they are not salted, you can use them in the garden or add them to the compost pile.
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